Monkton Combe School


both day and boarding

day - £23,610; boarding - £37,680


Monkton Combe School, located in the picturesque village of Monkton Combe, just ten minutes from the city of Bath, offers a cosy and welcoming environment for students aged 13 to 18. Established in 1868 as a Christian school for the sons of clergy, the institution continues to maintain its religious ethos, with 25% of its students being practising Christians. However, the school is inclusive and welcomes students of all faiths.

The facilities at Monkton Combe are exceptional, particularly the art department and music centre. Students can engage in various sports, such as rugby, hockey, cricket, rowing, and tennis, with talented tennis players receiving extra coaching at Bath University. The school's Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is also a popular extracurricular activity. With a diverse student body and impressive exam results, Monkton Combe provides a well-rounded education experience for its students.

In 2022, 45% of A-Level students achieved A and A* grades, while 63% of GCSE students obtained A and A* grades. Monkton Combe School offers both day and boarding options, with annual fees for day students at £23,610 and boarding fees at £37,680.

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