boys only
Radley College, located in the picturesque village of Radley near Oxford, is a prestigious independent boarding school for boys aged 13 to 18. The school is set on a stunning 800-acre site, providing state-of-the-art facilities, including a brand new block featuring a light and airy café and gallery space. With a strong Christian ethos, chapel services are held four times each week, cultivating a sense of community and spiritual growth.
The school provides an excellent all-round education, with a diverse range of subjects offered, from Art and Classics to Languages and Geology. While there is no specific emphasis on Maths and Sciences, these subjects maintain a strong presence within the curriculum, resulting in outstanding academic achievements. Sports are well catered for at Radley College, with rowing and golf being particularly popular amongst the students.
Although Radley College is less well-known compared to schools like Eton and Harrow, it offers a top-notch traditional British public school education in a more down-to-earth and unpretentious environment. The application process for entry has become increasingly flexible, with 'late' registrations for boys aged 10 now being accepted for entry at 13+. Prospective students typically take the ISEB Pre-test in Year 6, with places offered based on test results and the current headteacher's recommendation.
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